Yellow Breu


The resin produced by the pine is a white, viscous and thick substance, which is made up of two substances; turpentine (a volatile liquid with solvent properties), and resin, also called pitch or rosin.

Breu resin, yellow pitch or rosin is solid and yellowish in color. The most appreciated pine species for extracting pitch or rosin resin are Pinus elliottii and Pinus tropicalis.

The word rosin is derived from Colophon, the ancient Greek name for the coastal region of western Asia Minor, where there was extensive resin production.

Currently, it is used in the production of waxes, paints, food products, adhesives and varnishes, and as incense, for religious, esoteric purposes, or for energetic cleansing of people, environments and objects.

Instructions for use: Light a charcoal and pour a little resin on the coals. The resin will melt and release its fragrance into the air for several minutes.

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Yellow Breu